I wanted a red bracelet, and couldn’t decide which of two designs to try, so I tried them both. I’ve posted the first. Here’s the second: 
I wasn’t finished, but when the sun hit it this afternoon, I had to take its picture!
Several times! 

I bought a kit of Softflex beading wire from Jewelry Television, and it included garnet-colored, medium diameter wire. I bought the assortment of wire because it included silver and gold-plated. I wound up intrigued with the garnet.
I used the wire as a “carry-a-long” in the first red bracelet I made.
In this one, it’s the “main frame.”
I used three strands, an assortment of translucent beads, and gold colored findings, including a magnetic clasp.
I have enough materials to make another one, and I may write a little tutorial so I can remember how I made it. I think it’s very photogenic!
I like it so much, I’m wearing it, right now, with my pajamas!