Monthly Archives: November 2010
Light Saber!

I think I’ve posted this before, but the very best tip I ever got from watching Tipical Mary Ellen was this:
Save the tube from inside a roll of wrapping paper. Cut a slit in each end. As you take lights off a tree, slip one end of the string in the top slit, then wrap the lights around the tube. Slip the plug in the bottom slit. They’ll be tready to unroll without tangles the next year.
Another Swap
Let it Pour!

I’ve been in the basement off and on all day pouring some soaps for Christmas:

Just Look at that Face!

Time to Swap!
‘Keeping My Fingers Crossed!

My daughter’s friend, Cindy, is expecting a baby girl anyday now. Because she is using ladybugs in the nursery, I knit her a white cap (embellishments to be revealed later.) I always launder my caps before giving them, so I just threw this in with PJ’s wash since I’m still using “baby soap” in his wash. Well, wouldn’t you know, the cap stuck to an exposed piece of velcro on one of his bibs. To get it off, I had to really pull, and it made this fuzzy place:

If You Love Thanksgiving, Clap Your Hands!
I’m Still Stuffed!

My beautiful daughter and her handsome husband hosted this feast yesterday. It was incredible! I don’t like stuffing, except for my daughter’s! Here’s a link to the recipe she uses from Epicurious: http://www.epicurious.com/recipes/food/views/Sausage-Cranberry-and-Pecan-Stuffing-104261