is the Pantone color of the year, and look what i just won on eBay!
It’s carved from jasper, not coral, but the color is great. I think I’ll hang it from Kumihimo or Chirimen neckcord. I wonder if I can find or make a rose gold bail.
I changed the middle tassel on my gold pendant from mismatched chain to antique gold silk. I think I like it better.I swapped the bead above the center tassel, too.
Before: I also hung it from a gold-plated lantern chain.
I might swap the chain for a heavier one, too. Then I’ll price it and list it in my shop.
When I spotted this swirling gold focal component in Candie Cooper’s Etsy shop, I knew it’d be great for capturing a Czech glass button.
I auditioned several and decided on this amber swirly one:
The chain tassels, I had on hand. All are from Michael’s. The middle one had to be removed from a lip shell and is a slightly different shade of faux gold. I may swap it out for a gold silk one before I’m finished.
I am pleased with it, and especially with the back:
The Czech button had a metal shank. I snipped it away with shears and filed it with a diamond file.
I wasn’t particularly pleased with the looks of that, so I hunted one of my tiny brass hummingbird stampings:
A heavy gold bail and chain, and I might consider this one finished!
I wanted a red bracelet, and couldn’t decide which of two designs to try, so I tried them both. I’ve posted the first. Here’s the second:
I wasn’t finished, but when the sun hit it this afternoon, I had to take its picture! Several times!
I bought a kit of Softflex beading wire from Jewelry Television, and it included garnet-colored, medium diameter wire. I bought the assortment of wire because it included silver and gold-plated. I wound up intrigued with the garnet.
I used the wire as a “carry-a-long” in the first red bracelet I made.
In this one, it’s the “main frame.”
I used three strands, an assortment of translucent beads, and gold colored findings, including a magnetic clasp.
I have enough materials to make another one, and I may write a little tutorial so I can remember how I made it. I think it’s very photogenic!
I like it so much, I’m wearing it, right now, with my pajamas!
This is possibly my favorite of all the things I make:
There is one little part I don’t like, though, the button shank: (It looks like a cat’s nipple.)
Now, you could argue it’s on the inside of the locket and doesn’t matter, but I still don’t like it. (It looks like a cat’s nipple.)
I have some tiny brass stampings I could use to cover it, but they are all too flat. I needed something more dapt, or concave.
Then it hit me, I could use a bead cap! Ta-da!
A little glue, and no more cat’s nipple. It’s a pasty. There might be one for sale on my shop page!Karla Krafts
I’m tired of waiting for my mini tassels to get here, so I decided to try to make one. I gathered 2 pieces of 26 gauge wire, a plastic knife, and a skein of good old DMC embroidery thread #321, Christmas red.
I wrapped the thread around the handle of the knife until it looked right, 5 or 6 times.
I slipped a piece of wire under one edge of the wrap and gave it a twist. I slipped the thread over onto one blade of my sewing scissors. I clipped the thread and used the other wire to wrap around the top of the tassel.
After a lot more twisting and trimming and mashing, looping and attaching, I was done with one tassel, and I believe that’s enough!