Author Archives: karlakrafts

I Sold a Necklace!!!

I Sold a Necklace!!!

Kumi with mookaite

and the person who bought it actually came to pick it up and paid me!!! (I have three pieces that are waiting for their future owners!)

This is Mookaite from Australia, just like the burgundy piece I have for sale at the Wildflowers Shop in Elkin. Mookaite can be burgundy, pink, rust, gold, white or a combination of any or all of those colors! This piece is mainly rust and gold, so I wove a Kumihimo braid of rust and gold satin cord. I’d hoped to finish it in the fall, but had to find just the right antique copper findings!

Kumi closure

And now for Christmas…

And now for Christmas…

I found these beautiful beads at Jewelology in Charlotte last week.Christmas beads
I’ve made these green earrings:green and gold

green and gold2
UH, oh. ‘Looks like I left my tiny fluted bead cap off the earring on the left. (‘Sounds like song lyrics!) I think I like it better than the other, so, I’ll just get rid of it on the right one with some snips. That’ll be much easier than taking it apart.

Hello, Blog!

Hello, Blog!

I have been doing lots of crafting, but no blogging, It’s time to get back to it! Here’s an update on Mama’s House: A friend of my husband’s did some work for us that included hanging some shelves and organizers at Mama’s house. These are RIBBA picture ledges from IKEA. They are now called MOSSLANDA for some reason, but are great for storing little seed bead containers and small bottles of patina and nail polish. These are beside the china cabinet in the dining/classroom.Ikea shelves
The adjacent wall has a “slat wall” from Michael’s:Michaels pegboard
This magazine rack in the den is from Hobby Lobby. I’ve been waiting to put it up so long, it was covered in spider webs.Magazine rack
These are old dresser drawers that I had stained inside. They’re on a wall in the bedroom I’m using for scrapbooking and sewing. The friend hung my Fons&Porter design wall, too. I’ll photograph it, again, when I have a “design” on it. dresser drawers