This turned out better than expected.

The pattern from Sticka till Barbie (#11) called for a complicated rib pattern. I had to change it up to make it simpler. I did a K1P1 rib throughout.
I knit while I’m watching TV, and a complicated pattern is too much to keep up with. That’s why the rainbow dress had so many mistakes. I was watching Panther football!
I did have to pay some attention. First of all, it called for an odd number of stitches. I had to make sure I was knitting my knits and purling my purls on the wrong side. Otherwise, I would have done a seed stitch. Seed stitch is not my favorite, though I may try a skirt, someday.
Speaking of skirts, the top of this dress did not look like it was working out right. I thought at one point, that I’d unravel it back to the skirt part and just cast it off.
I printed a copy of the pattern and highlighted all dimensions, stitch counts, cast offs, and decreases. Everything else was changed to K1P1. It came together just right! The finishing directions weren’t complete, but I figured it out.
Kent says it looks like a Wilma Flintstone dress! Maybe I need to string a few chunky beads!