Author Archives: karlakrafts

Latest Barbie Dress

Latest Barbie Dress

I used the Vanna’s Glamour yarn in gold and the first skirt and top pattern I tried from Sticka till Barbie

This time I got the rib pattern right, and instead of casting off the top of the skirt, I just changed to stockinette stitch and kept going. I tried to make the arm holes bigger for Wonder Woman’s buff arms. It didn’t work, but I’m still happy. 

This model is Dee Dee from Barbie and the Rockers, another basement find!

Vanna’s Glamour…

Vanna’s Glamour…

in gold! Hurray! It arrived from Amazon, today! I’m thinking about trying this pattern:

PS: no way! I pulled up the pattern and the instructions were ridiculous! It was knit top down with bunches of increases. I think it’s much easier to decrease, so I’m going to reverse engineer it and create my own!

If anybody asks,

If anybody asks,

Yes, I have lost my mind. That navy t-shirt Allen is wearing is one of the hardest things I have sewn in years.

I got this crazy idea. 

When I wear out sweats and tee’s, and they’re too far gone to donate, I recycle them into dust cloths. Small bits and pieces get tossed, so why not make doll clothes from them?

I recently ordered this collection of Barbie and Ken doll clothes patterns.

They are from The Classic Archives on eBay. I printed the pattern for the simplest male t-shirt I could find on the disc. 

I pinned it to the hem of one leg of my old beloved navy knit pants.

My sewing pins we’re at Mama’s, but I found some T pins at home.

After I cut it out, I took the shirt pieces to Mama’s and attempted to sew them on my machine. The seam allowances were so small, the feed dogs just chewed the soft jersey knit. The bobbin wadded and knotted three times. I re-threaded at least four. If I try another shirt, I’ll sew it by hand.

The Rainbow Dress

The Rainbow Dress

The rainbow dress Vivi requested is finished, almost. I am not particularly pleased with it. It needs blocking, but I’m afraid of melting the shiny (polyamide?) fibers in the yarn.

I followed pattern #45 from Sticka till Barbie, but I made lots of mistakes. Luckily, this nubby yarn (Lion Brand Bon Bons in Celebrate) is fairly forgiving. I used the colors leftover from my other Barbie projects, so hopefully Vivi will be forgiving, too.

Barbie doesn’t look thrilled either. Maybe, it’s the burgundy backdrop she’s eyeing. Could be it’s the Christmas tree still up and lit on Jan. 2. I keep mine on until the Epiphany.

What a Diva!

What a Diva!

I can hear her singing Mariah Carey, can’t you?

This bodacious boa is an easy knit. The yarn is Lion Brand Fun Fur in red. Cast on 100 stitches on size 1 needles. Garter stitch for 4cm. Cast off, and fluff with your fingers! It’s that easy. The original instructions are from  Sticka till Barbie, #752 by Margaret Smith.

My own pattern!

My own pattern!

Remember this old girl, Fashion Queen Barbie? She came in an Egyptian-looking bathing suit with a head scarf and 3 wigs! Only this blond one has survived at my house.

She’s my latest model since Hispanic Barbie is visiting with Vivien. I was looking for a simple knitted dress pattern, but the one I found was not simple at all. So, I came up with my own. It needs some tweaking before I share it. 

I’ll try again, after I have a go at the “rainbow dress” Vivi has requested. I’m also going to try a Fun Fur wrap!

A Green One, too!

A Green One, too!

Barbie might get invited to two parties, so I knit her a green sparkly outfit. I didn’t follow the pattern, this time, either. This is a K2P2 rib on the skirt and the yoke of the top.

This yarn is nubbier than the red and harder to  work with. I’m happy with it, but my eyes hurt. I feel very fluish, anyway.