A fantastic source of inspiration and instruction!

A fantastic source of inspiration and instruction!
A fantastic source of inspiration and instruction!

I am having a wonderful Saturday, stitching, watching the Travel Channel, doing some laundry. I am stitching on my red and gold project. I am surrounded by favorite crazy quilting books, but a source I like to check for inspiration and instruction is Sharon Boggon’s blog, Pin Tangle. Her “I Dropped the Button Box” quilt has every type of seam embellishment you can possibly imagine, and that’s just one of her resources!
One of the (many) things I like about Sharon is that she uses braids and trim to decorate seams (like I have in this piece.) She also uses embroidery and beads to embellish those braids. Check out her beautiful attachment of gimp: http://inaminuteago.com/buttonquilt/buttonbox49.html

PJ’s Curtains

PJ’s Curtains
PJ’s Curtains

I got one more thing done before my daughter and I dug out of the ice and snow at her house. I got a “prototype” curtain done for one of the windows in PJ’s room. The curtains are basic ivory grommet style. My daughter’s friend bought the blue zebra print fabric for tableclothes for her baby shower. I asked my daughter to save it, and it’s basically appliqued on the bottom of the shortened ivory curtain. We like the results, so it’s one down and two to sew!

Still Snowed In

Still Snowed In
Still Snowed In

I have been snowed in at my daughter’s house for four days now. Fortunately, Mama is here with me to help watch PJ. The only craft supplies I have with me are in my knitting case.. I had made PJ a cap earlier from Bernat Bamboo yarn, but it was too short. Luckily, I had some more of the yarn and a crochet hook in my case, so I increased the depth of the cap by adding several rows of single crochet.

He finally left it on for a brief instant for me to get a picture!

Good for Me!

Good for Me!
Good for Me!

No, I didn’t knit this, but I did buy the pattern. It was a reward I gave myself for completing an errand I was dreading (returning a coat that was purchased as a gift and did not fit.) It’s called Brandywine Shawl and is by Rosemary Hill. The pattern cost $6.50 and $5.00 of it goes to Haitian relief efforts. It is available at http://www.designsbyromi.com/

My Craft Library

My Craft Library
My Craft Library
I’ve been out of comission today with horrible back pain. ‘Must’ve picked the grandson up too many times yesterday!

We’re also snowed in! So today, I’ve worked on my craft library. Instead of a database, I used a table in a word processing program. I can insert a photo of the book and shrink it to fit the column. I’m putting the books in alphabetical order by title, and I can add a row wherever I need to.

Here are a couple of good books I rediscovered today: