and what a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon! I am enjoying visiting Erin Prais-Hintz’s blog hop! There is so much beautiful work out there! I gave up on leaving comments on each one (they’re just 80 participants!) but I’ll be back!
I realize I didn’t give Brandi Hussey her props Friday for putting together all 40 (40!) of the palettes for the hop. They are gorgeous and represent more hours of work than I care to think about!
Erin is putting up a special Pinterest board that has all the palettes. I’ll link to it so you can enjoy Brandi’s work as well as the work of hop participants! I want to find them, too. I might challenge myself again!
I’ve repeatedly posted the palette I chose, but here are a few others I especially like:
I don’t think I’ve mentioned lately that these are Landsat satellite photos from the USGS via NASA! ‘Warms an old science teacher’s heart!