Tag Archives: PM Artist Studio

Yupo is Useful, but Crab Cake Box is Cheaper!

Yupo is Useful, but Crab Cake Box is Cheaper!
Image licensed from shutterstock.com
Image cut from a clean crab cake box
Black acrylic paint on gel plate

Pulled with ArtSmith acrylic in medium magenta on copy paper

Inspired by Patricia Carmichael of PM Artist Studio’s use of a Marie Calendar pot pie box, I decided to try cutting a stencil from a washed piece of Phillips crab cake box.

I used my ScanNCut, and lengthened the blade a notch (5.) It worked beautifully, both the cutting and the printing.

But then the paint dried on the blank side of the box, and it puckered, making the stencil bowed and pretty useless. Maybe, I could wash the paint off, immediately, or maybe I could put the dried stencil between heavy books.

I’d still call it a success, for stencils you only need to use once!