That’s what I call it, anyway.

There’s a bush full of these in our Charlotte neighborhood.
That’s what I call it, anyway.
There’s a bush full of these in our Charlotte neighborhood.
How I love this time of year! I have a trip I dream of for this time of year. Relatives in Florida say the oranges come in, and the azaleas bloom there in February. The trip begins in Florida in February, I follow the flowers up the coast, and wind up here at home in April.
I was in Boone, NC, earlier this week. On the mountainsides, dogwoods and redbuds were blooming. When my flowers are finishing their spring show, I can go 20 miles up the mountain and extend the season! I’ve just expanded my dream trip!
Speaking of which, why not be in Florida when those February fruits are flowering? We stayed in Kissimmee one time in a hotel next to an orange grove. Whatever variety was growing in that grove was in full bloom. I remember thinking, Heaven will smell like this! (and a baby’s head, but that’s another post!) I’ll have to research when the oranges bloom and start my trip then, someday, when the grandkids are bigger and I can bear to stay away from them more than a week. (As long as it’s a dream trip, I believe I’ll just take them with me!)
For now, I’ll just enjoy the here and now:
I’ll end with this photo of baby blueberries since they are a promise of things to come!
I’ve said it before, but I think I like spring better than Christmas because the trees decorate themselves!This is what the redbud and dogwoods are up to in my yard this year!
The bushes, and even the ground, get decorated !
My creeping phlox is up, pink flowering strawberry is in the hole, and…
Azaleas are on deck! Really! They should be blooming later this week, and I will be photographing them, then!
When I posted this necklace on Facebook, an old college buddy identified it as, “For Cynthia,” what her brother-in-law thought it was called. I’m still smiling. Of course I had to ask my daughter’s mother-in-law, (I call her my sister-in-law. We share grandchildren, after-all!) Cynthia, what she thought. She said that’s what she thought it was called when she was a little girl, and it still made her smile!
Good old forsythia, or “yellow bells” as it’s called here in Western NC, is one of my favorite harbingers of spring!
Inspiration was two-fold. The flower was first, of course, and the second was a cherry blossom kit I’d purchased form Elizabeth Girod at Fire and Fibers:–Pink-Flowers-Tree-Branch-Spring-Antique-Brass-Picasso-Czech-Glass.htm
When I saw Elizabeth at the Intergalactic Bead Show in Charlotte a week ago, I bought one of her branches and told her about my idea. I had tiny yellow flower beads I had purchased several years ago from Bead Lush, a shop also in Charlotte, NC. The green leaf beads I found at Joann’s recently. I used 26 gauge brass wire to secure the beads to the stem.
Even though, I’m not a “yellow girl,” I think I have to keep this one for myself!
When I wear it, I can celebrate, “For Cynthia!”
How I love it! They have a new little “pinning” gadget, tonight. I like it. Here’s something I pinned:
No, excuse me, I love the new gidget. When you choose a pin, you are presented with a text box that includes a flashing cursor, and a scroll list with the 3 boards you used last, followed by a list of the rest of your boards. The good part is you can start typing the name of the board you choose and it pops up, without having to scroll through the whole list! This is something I had suggested to them in a post a long time ago. They tried something similar for a while and then took it away. I assumed people didn’t like it. Either that, or you could pin so fast it crashed their server! I’m so glad it’s back! I love Pinterest, but do not enjoy scrolling through all 79 of my boards when I choose something to pin! Hurray!
I’ve been pretty sick for the past two weeks now, but that hasn’t stopped me from grabbing my camera and seeing what I could capture. I’m still working on the macro and supermacro features. I’ve practiced with flowers and leaves.