Painted Cushions

Painted Cushions
Painted Cushions
I paid a lot for these terribly faded cushions, so I couldn’t bring myself to toss them. I had bought a couple of bandanas to sew together for a cover, but wasn’t crazy about that idea.
Then I thought, “fabric paint!” and wished somebody made spray fabric paint. I found this at Walmart (I love that Rice Freeman-Zachery calls it the Dreaded Walmart!)  It came in a pack of three colors (black and gold, too) and was $14.97. Not cheap, but I have a use for the black, and maybe the gold, too.
I sprayed and used a foam brush to even it out.
Not a bad “before and after,” huh?
I got on the company’s website to see if they sold bottles of single colors and they DO! Check them out at
AND!!!, the paint is made in America!!!!

Dover had a Sale!

Dover had a Sale!
Dover had a Sale!

In fact, they’re having another one right now. I bought these books in the spring. I’ll be glad when the Dover Pictura site is up and running. I hope I’ll be able to buy the images I want without buying a whole book. I already have a flash drive with a “Dover Images” file so I’m ready when they are.

Of course, I had to round out my order to get free shipping. I added a few items for my grandson, Peter James:

How about UNpacking?

How about UNpacking?
How about UNpacking?

Nope. I didn’t think so. Though I did find a crafts-oriented sort of way to reward myself as I get things done. The Interweave Store has been having a great sale, first on Quilting Arts video downloads ($1.59,) now on Beads, Baubles and Jewels. I set myself a task, like sort Box A. When I’m done, I pick out a video I want and download it. Simple, and so far, effective!