I want my craft room (studio!) to be an inviting, enchanted space. So, inspired by these:
(They are by Mallory Jane of Hayseed Homemakin’. I found them on Pinterest.)
I bought a string of 100 white lights with white wires and these rolls of trim:
I strung the lights along the handrail in the stairwell that leads to my room. I cut short, 5-6″ lengths of the sparkly pink organza ribbon and tied them around each light bulb:
I cut the rosettes apart on the other trim, poked a hole in the middle of each one, and slid them over the tiny light bulbs:
I compared to see which I like better. The pink organza ribbon won hands down, though I do think the little white rosettes would be cute for a wedding.
Now, I only have 94 more to cut and tie!