There aren’t thousands, but there are several nice free fashion doll crochet patterns at Lynne Sears is the generous designer.
Category Archives: crochet
Goodies in the Mail!

I love to order stuff online. When my package comes, it’s just like Christmas. I have called my UPS man Santa. These patterns are a recent purchase from Paradise Publications:
Here, of course, is the crocheted jewelry pattern I had to have>
Then, I had to have one of their gorgeous crocheted doll costume patterns:
Oh no! Another pattern I think I must have!
Chain Reaction Afghan Project eBook, As Seen on Knitting Daily TV Series 700 – Knitting Daily

I Couldn’t Resist!

It was on clearance, see? This reminds me, my craft book library file is getting way too big. Somewhere around here I have a cute, pink, pen drive that I found at Staples for not much money. It would be just the thing to load my library file. Hmmmnn…now what safe, logical-at-the-time place did I store it?
Still Snowed In

I have been snowed in at my daughter’s house for four days now. Fortunately, Mama is here with me to help watch PJ. The only craft supplies I have with me are in my knitting case.. I had made PJ a cap earlier from Bernat Bamboo yarn, but it was too short. Luckily, I had some more of the yarn and a crochet hook in my case, so I increased the depth of the cap by adding several rows of single crochet.