It’s soap pouring time!
My class reunion
My class reunion has been my latest craft project. I used my computer to scan and print photos cropped out of our old yearbooks. We chose to decorate with a 70’s retro theme, and so I added pop art borders to the photos and we plastered a wall with them. I think everyone enjoyed looking at them and I’m planning on fixing more for the next reunion.
Another bit of inspiration
A Carol Doak book I missed!
I found this Carol Doak paper piecing book at our local library. Somehow I missed this one in purchasing her books. This has several blocks I don’t already have in my collection. One of them is an airplane and should make an adorable quilt for the grandbaby (who in his last photo op, i.e.,
sonogram, appears to be a boy!)
sonogram, appears to be a boy!)
Not much skill, but a lot of fun!
Bobbin Play
The Pooh Quilt is Coming Along
I’ve embroidered over the designs in the corners, put the batting and backing on (I chose a pretty bright pastel green for the back,) and quilted the “bee lines. I “pillowcased“the back to the front and turned it so I wouldn’t have to do binding. I hate binding, but if I’d purchased pre-folded, I don’t know if it would have been any harder than what I did. You can see I left it open at the bottom so I could turn it.
(I bought those bent safety pins at JoAnn in Winston yesterday. ‘Love ’em.)
Now, I’m using DMC floss to quilt the “pre-stamped” stitches. I’d like to quilt around Pooh and his friends on the machine, but I’m afraid I’ll make a mess. I’ve done too much handwork on this quilt top to ruin it.