I’ve had this bottle of paint for years! I pull it out this time of year to touch up weathered berries on Christmas decorations. I love this deep shade of red.
Modified Instant Russian Tea Recipe
The old, “passed-around,” instant Russian tea mix recipe called for a cup of sugar in addition to two cups of Tang instant drink mix. The main ingredient in Tang IS sugar. So, here is my modified recipe:
Instant Russian Tea Mix:
2 cups Tang instant drink mix
1/2 cup instant tea (no sugar!)
1 tsp. ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp. ground cloves
That’s it! Put it in a jar, and shake it up! Add 2 teaspoons of the mix to a mug of hot water. Stir and enjoy! (I have tried other orange drink mixes besides Tang. They just weren’t as good.)
Clear Command Hooks for Suncatchers!
They work great! Be aware, though, that the hooks may have a larger circumference than the hanging loop on your suncatchers. I solved that with the addition of a key ring sized jump ring:
Here’s one in the package:
Life is Good!
Hot spiced cider, warm pumpkin pie, cold cinnamon-flavored Cool Whip! Life is good! (I’d take a picture, but it’s all gone!)
They were up all night!
Still Uncertain
Fairy Lights
I want my craft room (studio!) to be an inviting, enchanted space. So, inspired by these:
(They are by Mallory Jane of Hayseed Homemakin’. I found them on Pinterest.)
I bought a string of 100 white lights with white wires and these rolls of trim:
I strung the lights along the handrail in the stairwell that leads to my room. I cut short, 5-6″ lengths of the sparkly pink organza ribbon and tied them around each light bulb:
I cut the rosettes apart on the other trim, poked a hole in the middle of each one, and slid them over the tiny light bulbs:
I compared to see which I like better. The pink organza ribbon won hands down, though I do think the little white rosettes would be cute for a wedding.
Now, I only have 94 more to cut and tie!
Playing with “Paint”
It’s a CD of Victorian Religious Images, and it is lovely. It’s from Lunagirl and can be found, along with other image collections, on etsy.
I love Brandi Hussey’s use of photoshop to pull a palette from a photograph. She has a tutorial on her blog, but my Photoshop software came preloaded on my old Gateway desktop, and when the hard drive died, so did the Photoshop.
I’d used the eyedropper tool in “PAINT” before, so I set out to see if I could use it to “pull a palette.” Before I selected “Open with Paint” from the right hand menu, I made a copy of the image for editing. I enhanced the colors, also, by using the photo editing software on my laptop to increase the saturation of the colors:
Then I used the rectangle, eyedropper, and fill bucket tools to “pull a palette:”
I used the text tool (A) from Paint to add “Holy Bible” to this one:
‘Too much stuff!!!! I have got to keep organizing! I can’t find anything!!!!!!