New storage cubes arrived for the attic craft space! Assembly tomorrow!
Category Archives: organization
It Beats Dyeing Easter Eggs!

I decided to tackle a little organizing as my Saturday before Easter project. This is the right corner adjacent to my new desk in the bonus room over the garage. I’ve been calling it my craft space, but actually, much to my husband’s dismay, I have craft spaces all over our house. This one is going to be my jewelry making and scrapbooking space.

The container holders are Jetmax, and I found them at Tuesday Morning about a year ago. This is all very white. I will photograph it again when I get those shelves and containers filled. And, of course, that table won’t be bare for long!
A new desk for my craft space

I ordered this from the Container Store. There’s one in Charlotte, but I didn’t want to load it, lug it 90 miles, and unload it. I had it shipped. I did have to maneuver the top up the attic stairs to the bonus room. I was really proud of myself until I opened the carton and found damage. My stairs are thickly carpeted so I think this happened during shipping. It wasn’t too bad, and I surely wasn’t going to wrestle it back downstairs. Gravity would’ve helped, but still… I sealed it with some white glue the best I could and left it to dry.

I decided to tackle assembly on Friday. The online video was very helpful.

While we’re talking trash…

<I love these rectangular Gerber Baby Food containers for bead storage. Peter James is eating all table food these days, but I managed to save and wash several while he was in the baby food stage. (It’s also interesting that likes to use these containers for housing caterpillars and hatching their butterflies!) I’ve been doing a little organizing of my primary craft space, today, and I am also glad I purchased this umbrella-photo-keeper-thingy at the Container Store. I couldn’t find it on their website, but here’s one at Amazon: It’s great for clipping up parts of an upcoming jewelry project!
One of my better ideas!
‘Love this ‘book!”

A Tiny Setback!
Organizational projects finished!
An attempt to focus on and finish things

I created this database to help me keep track of all my UFO’s (unfinished objects!):
I saved the database as a template and tried to change it to a pdf with no luck at all. It was not among my list of supportable files. If anyone knows how, please let me know. I tried to post it here to share, but that didn’t work either.
It’s easy to copy the fields, though. Most are self-explanatory, but ECD stands for Expected Completion Date. (I wish I could remember whose blog I got that idea from so I could give them credit.) Anyway, that helps me set a goal for finishing. It’s alright if I don’t make it. The craft police don’t come after me, and I don’t beat myself up. It’s my database, and I just go in and move the date up.
Somethings I may never finish. My grandson, PJ, is walking now, so felt baby shoes are ridiculous for him and maybe a little dangerous. I had an idea to stitch the brown ones I started for him so they’d look like little footballs. I might do that as an experiment, and if they turn out okay, give them away. I started to say I planned on deleting that record, but I think I just changed my mind!
I made myself a couple of rules: No more than 12 active projects at a time. I can start a new one when I finish one. (There’s my motivation!) When I have 24 records, then I delete the 12 I’ve finished and start again. I need to be sure and congratulate myself for completing 12 things, maybe with a trip to Michael’s, or even better, Beadlush! I’ll have to blog about that little shop later.
So, I’m off to see if I can email my database template (since I can’t post or pdf it!) Later.