Good Free-Motion Quilting Links!

Speaking of medallions, I think bead medallions would make pretty adornaments in crazy quilting. My search for bead weaving led me to this wonderful list at Glitter Glow Beading.
One of the best links on the list was the Interweave store at Interweave Press. They have oodles of reasonably priced downloadable patterns, not only in beading, but in knitting, quilting, fibre arts, you name it! They also carry craft merchandise and instructional DVD’s, in addition to books and magazines!
Emma’s blog also led me to ArtFire! Thank you, Emma!
I also like to stitch beads to fabric using charted designs and waste canvas. That led me here:
I’ll most likely join; I spent hours looking through the downloadable graphs. As a matter-of-fact, I believe I’ll take care of that right now! (What else have I got to do besides sweat and shiver?)
Well here I am again, night #2 of a hateful virus that has me feverish, then freezing (malaria?–no, that’s a sporozoan!) Except for steping out on the porch to snap a couple of photos, I have spent my day (and now my night) surfing the net in search of all things needle worthy.
I recently joined the Yahoo group of Crazy Quilting International. It’s actually 4 groups and you need to join all 4 to access all it’s features:
Click to join crazyquiltinginternational
The eye candy alone is worth the trouble. It’s so rich, you can feel your teeth rot when you look at it!
I visited fellow members’ blogs:
http://pinyoncreek.blogspot.com/ (Be sure and click on the photo on her July 24, 2010 post so you can get a better look at this gloriosity!)
http://www.shawkl.com/ (Ummm,umm,ummm, what beautiful work and generous giveaways!)
http://olderrose.blogspot.com/ (Check out her tutorials.)
http://dianem.wordpress.com/ (She knits preemie caps!)
http://www.pintangle.com/ (I recently joined her “Stitchin Fingers” group.)
http://karensouth.blogspot.com/ (I was inspired by her vintage ladies!)
http://kerrykatiecakes2.blogspot.com/ (Did I mention eye candy?)
This is from http://www.magazineart.org/. It’s cover art and ads, mind you, but sometimes you can track down content, too.