Category Archives: crazy quilting
Now that’s More Like It!
Angelina Fibers

Internet Goodies!

Well here I am again, night #2 of a hateful virus that has me feverish, then freezing (malaria?–no, that’s a sporozoan!) Except for steping out on the porch to snap a couple of photos, I have spent my day (and now my night) surfing the net in search of all things needle worthy.
I recently joined the Yahoo group of Crazy Quilting International. It’s actually 4 groups and you need to join all 4 to access all it’s features:
Click to join crazyquiltinginternational
The eye candy alone is worth the trouble. It’s so rich, you can feel your teeth rot when you look at it!
I visited fellow members’ blogs:
http://pinyoncreek.blogspot.com/ (Be sure and click on the photo on her July 24, 2010 post so you can get a better look at this gloriosity!)
http://www.shawkl.com/ (Ummm,umm,ummm, what beautiful work and generous giveaways!)
http://olderrose.blogspot.com/ (Check out her tutorials.)
http://dianem.wordpress.com/ (She knits preemie caps!)
http://www.pintangle.com/ (I recently joined her “Stitchin Fingers” group.)
http://karensouth.blogspot.com/ (I was inspired by her vintage ladies!)
http://kerrykatiecakes2.blogspot.com/ (Did I mention eye candy?)
‘Not a Happy Patcher!

I am Loving this Website!

I Finally Finished Mama’s Bible Cover!