Author Archives: karlakrafts

Hand Knit Leg Warmers

Hand Knit Leg Warmers

This morning, I gave my granddaughter the leg warmers I made her. Forget ballet, tomorrow, she had to wear them to school, today! 

I made the pattern, myself. It’s very simple. I thought she would get the most wear out of a stretchy knit, so I decided on a K2, P2 rib stitch. I have lots of pale pink sport weight yarn from knitting newborn caps for the local hospital. I used that yarn and my usual size 4, 9 inch bamboo knitting needles. I knit a gauge, and knew I’d need a multiple of 4 stitches. I settled on 48 to give me close to 4 inches in width. I did a long tail cast on, and “knit 2, purled 2” across. I repeated until I had 6 inches of fabric. I cast off in pattern. I knitted a second, matching piece and stitched them both closed, lengthwise. using the mattress stitch.

The 4×6 inch tubes were just right for little beginning ballet legs! The rib stitch will let them expand as she grows. My granddaughter has requested a second pair from a variegated yarn called, “Easter Basket, from the Baby Jacuards  Collection by Bernat. I am working on them, now!



I took a new batch of necklaces and bracelets to the Quilt Square Girls in West Jefferson, NC, on Saturday. My friend, Laura, and I visited their shop and some others. We waited for a table at Black Jack’s Pub & Grill. Their burgers are worth it! You can smell them grilling all over town!








The Quilt Square Girls

The Quilt Square Girls

I am making jewelry exclusively for the Quilt Square Girls in West Jefferson, NC!

The quilt Square Girls, Syndi (above) and Renee, specialize in Barn Quilts, and they have made over 1000! Laura and I wandered into their shop one day, and Syndi spotted one of my necklaces that Laura was wearing. “Can you make those for us,” she asked? I could, and I did!

The lavender one sold the first day! I am having the best time making these!


Coming Soon!

Coming Soon!

I’m getting ready to commemorate the upcoming solar eclipse here in the US. It’s been “under my iron” so far, today. I used three fat quarters, 2 dinner plates of slightly different diameters and some Wonder Under. Now to decide how to finish it…

Another Quilt Top…

Another Quilt Top…

to add to my unfinished quilt collection!

This one is a Split Rail baby quilt I finagled from a jelly roll bundle. The fabric is Butterfly Blooms by Lily and Loom. I ordered it from Craftsy. I pulled all the pink, purple and green from the roll and had just enough to make what I hope will be a 36×42″ quilt. I haven’t measured yet, I’m too chicken!