Monthly Archives: February 2011



The doors are hard to see, but they’re made of tempered glass. That’s essential with Peter James toddling around! I plan to get a bigger TV, but I really like this one as the base is broad and not as likely to topple, (especially on this larger stand, excuse me, credenza!) I’ll put a toddler latch on the doors and that should keep Mr. Busy’s little fingers off the cable box buttons, too!

Another Mistake!

Another Mistake!
Another Mistake!

This back panel was supposed to be positioned so that the holes were near the bottom. I thought that was what I was doing till I sat it upright. This is a mistake I’ll just learn to live with ’cause I am not going to try to remove the 24 little nails I used to attach the thing! I had a look at the front and it doesn’t seem to be too bad a mistake:

Now, I’m probably getting ready to make yet another mistake. The directions say to put the doors on before installing the shelf. That seems backwards to me so I’ll do it my way…

‘Looks Like an All-Nighter!

‘Looks Like an All-Nighter!
‘Looks Like an All-Nighter!

I bought this Sauder TV “credenza” and started putting it together earlier this evening (around 8:30.) When I’m in the right mood, I love to put things together. I was having a wonderul time until I got to this step and realized I’d gotten the left and right sides switched. Oh well, disassembling can be fun, too. ‘Gotta get back to it. Beads, Baubles and Jewels comes on at 2:30!