I’ve embroidered over the designs in the corners, put the batting and backing on (I chose a pretty bright pastel green for the back,) and quilted the “bee lines. I “pillowcased“the back to the front and turned it so I wouldn’t have to do binding. I hate binding, but if I’d purchased pre-folded, I don’t know if it would have been any harder than what I did. You can see I left it open at the bottom so I could turn it.
(I bought those bent safety pins at JoAnn in Winston yesterday. ‘Love ’em.)
Now, I’m using DMC floss to quilt the “pre-stamped” stitches. I’d like to quilt around Pooh and his friends on the machine, but I’m afraid I’ll make a mess. I’ve done too much handwork on this quilt top to ruin it.
Karla, this is turning out very pretty. You have a LOT of patience.